Amazing Sign Up Opportunity
If you haven’t already signed up for now is the time!
New members have an awesome opportunity to get a great deal and gifts. If you sign up with the code 19GIFTS you get a huge discount PLUS 19 free gifts!
And, no it’s not the free trial gifts that start unexpectedly charging your credit cards after a month. It is a tote bag with gifts and vouchers for some sweet homeschooling products!
Even if you were not getting a tote bag full of gifts I still suggest It has over 400 courses
It’s SO worth getting an annual membership to.
Now, Look at these gifts! wow:
Enrichment Studies: 100 Women Composers Through the Ages course
Character Concepts: Profiles of Valor: True Stories from the War of Independence eBook
Learn and Color Books: Color Thru History™ The People of Early Civilization AND Color Thru History™ The People of Early Civilization Elementary Supplement digital versions
IEW: Structure and Style Overview DVD
Travels with Music: One-Year Online Subscription to Travels with Music
Writing with Sharon Watson: Teach Your Child to Take Notes eBook
Apprentice Art Studio: How to Cultivate a Creative Life Video Lesson w/PDF
Spanish Educational Solutions: Online Elementary Program for the Entire Family (2 months)
HSLDA: $15 Gift Certificate
Everyday Education: Working It Out: Growing Spiritually with the Poetry of George Herbert AND Evaluate Writing the Easy Way eBooks PLUS bonus How to Teach Classic Literature to Teens MP3
Step Up Your Performance: Two-month Subscription to either Grammar for Proofreading OR The Simple Essay: Its Organization and Development
Nallenart: L’Art de LIRE Level 1
Etiquette Lessons Foundation: Etiquette Lessons Student Print Workbook
Brinkman Adventures: Brinkman Adventures Audio Download
Homeschool Court: Homeschool Court Digital Student Edition
Chess House: Pocket Chess Set
Grace Works Interactive: 1 Timothy Interactive Bible Game (Windows-Based Download)
Learn to Play Music Publishers, Inc.: Learn to Play Music One-month Family Membership
The Old Schoolhouse®: Tote Bag (colors vary)
Seriously, there’s learning with music, foreign languages, audio downloads, chess,
I loath history and I am not excited to teach it. However, the Coloring through history might be fun! I think I want to give that one a try. Better yet, I see that’s it’s a printable!
Another neat gift is the Etiquette Lessons! Oh boy! I have got to check that out and start practicing it right away. I can already see the tea party’s we will have.
If you are thinking about the PreK – 12th Ultimate Annual Membership, I really hope you give it a try! Just do it! There is no better time than right now, all you have to do is use the coupon code 19GIFTS at the checkout and then enjoy all content offered.

(My posts contain affiliate links, if you purchase through my links I may get a small portion.)