Dyslexia Gold
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
If you have a child struggling with reading, I highly recommend checking out Dyslexia Gold.
My daughter is almost 6 years old and she isn’t showing any signs of struggling yet, but I want to do my best to help keep her on the right track.
I have struggled with dyslexia and reading was so incredibly difficult for me. I am so thankful that there are wonderful programs like this that are designed to help kids in ways most traditional classes simply can’t.
Within the Dyslexia Gold program, we were given access to Engaging Eyes and Reading Unlocked.
In Engaging Eyes, kids get vision training! Using 3-D glasses, they do their best to shoot targets on display for them. Target Practice is a unique game where kids aim by direction and depth using the computer’s keyboard.

Engaging Eyes also has other fun games that help train the student’s vision. One game is called Whack an Alien, and it’s full of brightly colored alien creatures that pop up all over the screen. My daughter has lots of fun with this game. She tries to catch as many aliens as quickly as possible.

Engaging Eyes is beneficial for kids who have trouble reading straight through a sentence, read slowly, or say the words move. This is just what struggling readers need!
In Reading Unlocked, kids get to learn how to read with phonics. It keeps track of your child’s progress and teaches new words with sounds, pictures, repetition, and writing practice.
Dyslexia Gold tracks progress with the games and parents can get a report of how their child is doing. In just over a month of this program my child’s reading age went from 7 years 8 months to a new reading level of 8 years and 10 months! Isn’t that incredible?!
As a dyslexic person, I want to let you know how amazing this program is for struggling students. Reading is so important for every part of life so early intervention is life-changing. Kids don’t have to dread reading a book, completing tests, or spelling words, this can help them right where they are struggling. Be sure to read more reviews from other families by clicking below!
Have a wonderful day!