Learning from Toddlers
As I watched my little girl work so hard to get to the top of a bounce house slide, I felt proud. She wanted to be like the big kids and was so focused and willing to do her best to get where she wanted to be (the top).
I felt so happy that she was trying and succeeding!
When she made it to the top, she was thrilled, then scared, and I could see on her face that she didn’t know if that’s really what she wanted to be doing. She just sat there and watched other children go down and play. She didn’t want to get down or go down. Just sitting there she was content.
She repeated this climbing and sitting on the top a few times. As I watched her struggling, I could relate to the overwhelming feelings she had. As I have had them many times before.
But wait a minute!? I still get the feeling of fear of the unknown (Queue the Frozen 2 into unknown song).
What did I learn from this? I learned that I am still growing and that I shouldn’t give up.
What advice would you give her sitting at the top of the slide?
Could that same advice be useful to your current struggles?
Keep going! You can do it!
Even though you are overcoming obstacles by yourself, you have people that love you and will be there for you no matter what.
By the way, she didn’t slide down. She wasn’t ready.
Are you?