One Good Thing 
I created a Christian gratitude journal for families.
Similar to the gratitude jar, my idea is that families will get together once a week and write down something they were thankful for, and by doing that they start each week by being grateful.
Finding one good thing, even during tough times is the goal. It could be your cup of coffee, the fresh air we breathe, or a walk with a loved one.
At the end of the year, families can go through the book and see all the things they were thankful for. So exciting!
It’s a family strengthening book that’s designed to encourage and build faith and positive thinking.
I hope to increase happiness and more loving relationships in families.
Life can be tough! It’s okay to grieve, get frustrated and be unbelievably exhausted but we need to get up and move forward. If you are lucky enough to be with family then you have so much to be thankful for!
Check it out and tell me what you think.