Otter B Free
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product from the Homeschool Review Crew.
I love to read children’s picture books that help teach Bible values, so I was thrilled to receive Otter B Free from Focus on the Family through Tyndale House Publishing.
In this adorable book, Otter B finds the beauty and meaning of freedom. His father teaches him that freedom doesn’t mean things will be easy but it is a choice.
When we first received this book, I immediately read it with my children. It’s a hardcover book with glossy pages and printed in a great size for reading together. At 7 years, 3 years, and 6 months, this book was a perfect fit! They liked the characters, colorful pages, and story.

Later, My 7-year-old read Otter B Free again by herself. She read it without any struggles and enjoyed the book. She liked how the Otter learned to work with his friends as a team and that they won a trophy together.

I believe as Christians we should look for books that help build our children’s characters (as well as our own) that reflect who our Father is and this book series does the job! Otter B Free is a fun book and includes real-life struggles with positive examples of dealing with the situation.
Otter B Free from Focus on the Family and the series is great for young kids! I recommend this for a 4th of July story since it takes place during Independence Day, but it is also a great book for lessons on teamwork, and freedom.
Are you still wondering if this is for you? Be sure to read the reviews from other families by clicking the link below!

Thanks for reading,
Have a wonderful day!
~ Amy

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