Latest Books
I can’t believe how much I love creating books!
Especially if it’s for someone I love.
I am always so excited about the books I create because like any other art piece, I pour my time, effort, and love into them. So I think I should share my latest with you.
I’m late to post this because frankly, like most moms, I am SOOO unbelievably busy. (As I am, blogging at 3 in the morning lol) Anyway, I won’t whine anymore and I’ll get on to the books.
(Affiliate Links here! I may get a small portion if you purchase through my links.)
#1 This is under a different pen name but it is my notebook and I really like it! I have a few notebooks out there but I really like this one. It’s a Primary Dotted midline notebook perfect for kindergarten. There are a TON of authors doing this theme and they look so similar to mine I was surprised that so many people had the same idea.
#2 Seriously, I know it’s crazy to add lots of themes into one book. I just had to do it! I wanted a coloring book filled with mythical creatures not just one like dragons or mermaids. Why not have a variety? I was way to excited about this little fantasy world.
#3 This one is actually the first book that makes decent sales. Most of my books only have a couple sales and that is usually to our family friend (Kathy). Anyway, I am pleasantly surprised that I have a book people like!
#4 I am really surprised this one didn’t get any sales, but I really don’t mind because I ordered it and I know my daughter and nieces will have fun with it this Halloween. Maybe I will post it digitally for free?
If you are curious what I have been up to feel free to follow my author page here: amazon.com/author/hunteramy
Thanks for reading!