I Know It
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
I Know It is a great way to make math practice fun for your kids!
It’s an online math supplement geared towards kids from K-5th grade.
Here, parents and teachers can search through tasks by grade level and topic and assign appropriate lessons for their children with ease. Students can complete hundreds of math lessons with brightly colored graphics and exciting characters.
Parents and teachers have lots of options to customize their assignments such as:
- Which children they would like to assign the task for.
- How long they want the lesson to be.
- If they want the students to work on the lesson for a certain amount of time, or by the number of problems required to complete the lesson.
- If they want to automatically reassign the lesson if the student doesn’t get a percentage correct.
Students can also explore the lessons in their grades and work on them independently. This is a great opportunity for kids to test their knowledge or to further their practice on any given topic.
Our experience:
I assigned many lessons with my 1st grader. I liked the variety of topics and the options available. I was very happy that the program worked flawlessly and that it was so user-friendly.
We used the program conveniently from my smartphone. Unlike many apps and programs, we didn’t have to wait for it to load and it was easy to navigate.
After assigning lessons, I could simply change the user and login for my daughter. The assigned lessons would appear at the top of the page so that she could easily pick which ones she wanted to work on.
As I have mentioned in previous blog posts, my daughter does not like math, and it’s a struggle to find a curriculum she enjoys. However, she does like to complete these lessons with the hope that she will earn an award at the end.
Earning an award is a great motivator! My daughter likes to work on new tasks and do the best she can while completing them. I accidentally reassigned a few lessons, and she brought them to my attention right away. She wanted to make sure that she had a new lesson to work on so that she could earn an award. I am happy that she’s motivated to work on a more difficult task to meet her personal goals.
We enjoyed using I know It and will continue to use it as part of our homeschooling math practice! If you would like to read more about this wonderful product, be sure to check out the reviews from other homeschooling families by clicking the link below!
Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day!
~ Amy
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