Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this product through the Homeschool Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

I was given the opportunity to use and explore Let’s Go Geography, Year 2 from Let’s Go Geography and I can’t wait to share my experience with you. 

First of all, this website has, as I’m sure you guessed by reading the title, geography curriculum and the lessons are available digitally in pdf format. It is geared towards students ranging from Kindergarten through 5th grade. The curriculum was designed for homeschooling coops but it is a great resource for tutors, teachers or anyone studying geography with elementary age students. The courses offered are currently divided into Year 1 and Year 2. Each year has 2 semesters with 16-18 lessons and each lesson is filled with material focusing on a specific area such as a continent or country. So by purchasing a year, the subscriber gets TONS of material to work with and two years to use it. It really is, way worth the inexpensive price, but they do have individual lessons available for purchase.

lets go geography
Here is a screenshot of one of the lessons.

Secondly, this is not a boring class. It is so fun and we are actually super excited about this class. Which says a lot since geography is my least favorite subject. We took our time and worked on the lessons a few hours a day and around three days a week This program includes coloring printouts, pictures, fun facts, cultural videos to watch, music to listen to, library book suggestions and a hands on activity for each lesson. We look forward to learning about the diverse cultures, unique landscapes, and the native species found in each country. 

artwork painting
The Pacific Northwest

Furthermore, I absolutely love how the instructions are laid out in a simple and easy to follow format. I don’t have to spend time coming up with anything on my own, I just follow the course as it is written in each lesson. The website keeps track of what lessons were completed but we still have the freedom to download the content in any order and as many times as we need.

Since this is a hands on course, a few supplies are needed to get started. Some supplies include a 3 ring binder to keep your work in, and basic arts and craft materials such as paints, markers, paper, scissors, and glue. Internet access is also required to view the lessons and open videos and music links throughout the lessons. A printer is also needed for the coloring pages, maps and activities. A good attitude and big smiles also help make the experience fun.

map coloring
coloring a map

Final thoughts, I am so glad we explored Let’s Go Geography together! My family had a wonderful time learning and creating together. We will continue to use it and any of the other Year’s offered. This is such a great addition to our homeschooling journey.

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You do not have to take my word for it, be sure to read reviews from other families by clicking on the link below:

Geography for Kids - Year 2 {Let's Go Geography Reviews}

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