Sick Kids and Popsicles
Sick kids are tough! Everyone knows that, but scrambling and trying to do anything to make your babies feel better is an unpleasant reminder of just how tough it is.
When my babies are under the weather, I stick to the common rules of lots of fluids and rest. We make soups, tea’s, smoothies, sometimes cinnamon and coconut sugar toast, or anything my little ones can handle but sometimes they refuse everything and that can get scary.
If you want something that will help sooth soar throats and help them get more fluid, why not try making popsicles? We have a great ring pop popsicle mold that my kids just love and it’s perfect for sicklings.
I pray that your babies (and mine) feel better soon and that we all get some rest!
Here’s a few idea’s for filling your popsicles:
1: Juice, such as Orange and Pineapple (both known for helping colds)
2: A healthy smoothie to help them get some vitamins and nutrition.
3: If your child is older than 1, you could mix a little raw honey with a juice or smoothie to help fight off their sickness, sooth their throat, and it may even be more appealing. You could toss in a pinch of salt to the mix to make an electrolyte popsicle.
4: Having trouble getting your little one to take their medicine? You could try crushing the tablet and sprinkling it in 1 of the popsicle molds with your smoothie or juice. Yeah I went there… lol
5: Fruit juice or purees mixed with a little yogurt swirled in will help get some probiotics in their guts. Which is recommended with antibiotics.
Check out these sweet popsicle molds on the affiliate links below: